My name is Rey and like many of you, I’ve been riding bikes since I was a little kid. I road raced during my teens, work directly in the industry and have ridden nearly every day for the past forty-years. During that time I’ve accumulated a lot of experience that I bring to fitting you onto your bike.

Trouble can begin when you take a perfectly symmetrical bike and match it with an asymmetrical rider. This eventually causes unnecessary pain or leads to injury–I fix that. My mission is to align you with your bike for a pain free cycling experience.

Some of you ride for recreation, while others ride with your hair on fire–with a whole range in between. One thing remains though… It’s all about the ride. We all enjoy the time on our bikes… as long as it’s not painful. I’m not talking about pain from your effort. I’m referring to the unnecessary pain from an improper bike fit. The kind that makes you fidget about simply trying to gain a comfortable position in the saddle.

For a limited time I will be performing basic setups free of charge at Society Cycles in Sugarland. Use the SIGN-UP section below–time slots are limited. I look forward to meeting you soon. —Rey